LINX is a small, flexible ring of magnets that opens to allow food and liquid down, then closes to prevent stomach contents from moving up.
LINX creates a barrier between the LES and the stomach to keep acid from refluxing into the esophagus.

Hiatal Hernia surgery is a minimally invasive procedure in which your physician will repair your hernia by narrowing the opening in your diaphragm with sutures. This stops the stomach muscles from coming up through the hiatus and into the chest. This procedure may be performed in conjunction with other GERD procedures.

Nissen Fundoplication- Robotic Nissen Fundoplication is considered the standard surgical treatment for severe heartburn. This procedure involves reinforcing the lower esophageal sphincter, which is located that the end of the esophagus, so stomach acid cannot reflux into the esophagus.

The most common treatment for reflux is mediation to decrease the production of acid in the stomach. At times, despite medication, patients continue to have symptoms from reflux.
If patients still have reflux despite the best medical therapy, we recommend that patients undergo an evaluation and testing to see if surgery can help to control reflux.
Your physician may suggest lifestyle changes to reduce your symptoms.
Losing weight if you are overweight or obese
Eating several meals throughout the day
Determine which foods trigger your individual symptoms in order to avoid them
Quitting smoking
Reducing or stopping alcohol intake
Avoid lying down or bending over immediately after eating
Finish eating withing 3 hours of going to bed
Elevating the head of your bed when sleeping